Tag Archives: Moon Knight

My Replacement for Superior Spider-Man

Now that Doc Ock’s reign as Superior Spider-Man is over, it is time that I appoint a new protector in my Marvel comic life.  If you’ve read My Two Cents Worth on Superior Spider-Man blog post, then you know that Doc Ock’s successor WILL NOT be Peter Parker.

I recently tweeted the top three contenders.  It was difficult for me to decide which hardcore badass was going to have me breaking my neck to read his comic book every month.  Since I like a man who takes charge, I decided to choose all 3.  And they are:

3.  Magneto

Written by Cullen Bunn, I was hooked on this mind-blowing title within the first pages of its debut issue.  I followed Bunn’s Fearless Defenders, Deadpool, and Carnage titles.  Magneto shows the serious side of Bunn’s writing.

Accomplishing a lot with limited supplies and resources, Magneto investigates crimes against mutants.


Then serves justice.

2.  Moon Knight

Written by Warren Ellis, I instantly became addicted to this smooth, maybe somewhat crazy, masked vigilante.  Moon Knight (Marc Spector) is sharp, clever and a damn good detective.




See what I mean?

1.  The Punisher

Written by Nathan Edmondson, there is not much for me to say about Frank Castle aka Punisher.  That’s because his actions tells all.  If you ask me about The Punisher, all I will do is hand you one of my books.  Not really.  I’ll give you my digital code or gift you a copy, because I don’t lend my comic books to anyone.  I don’t like smudges or fingerprints on them.






Aren’t those panels just beautiful?  Thank you Mitch Gerads for the spectacular artwork.

So there you have it.  Magneto, Moon Knight and Punisher.  Three hardcore badasses you don’t want to mess with.  With these three on board, I know that I will be safe in the Marvel Universe.

By the way, if you’re looking for new comics to read, then I suggest these titles for the mature readers.